Dynamic Drawing by artist Martin Butler

How I Make A Drawing

How I Make A Drawing
The technique I use for producing these small drawings is as follows:-
The first stage is  a 2 hour drawing session with my model where I create several quick sketches(gesture drawings)of between 30secs and 2minute duration capturing the essence of the pose I also do images of hands and feet and faces I will also do 1 or two longer drawings for shadow and tone from the best of these sketches I do the finished pieces
The initial sketch is done with pastel(or graphite or charcoal) to capture basic structure ,proportions composition of drawing
Then redrawn with a pencil creating overall form the drawing is then rubbed over with a cloth
I then use an eraser the remove some of the pastel highlighting the image and finally touch up the image with a dark pencil(oil,ink,charcoal or graphite)
The method I use is very fast and many of the drawings fail and are discarded
But those that are successful always look fresh and spontaneous and very alive